happening [soon] >>
The New Mother Sculptures
Museum Cobra | Sandbergplein 1, 1181 ZX Amstelveen
Will you join us for the opening?
If so, please register before October 14 via opening@cobra-museum.nl
Sunday 20 Oct 2024 until Sunday 2 Mar 2025
The New Mother Sculptures is a large, mysterious contemporary sculpture exhibition specially organized by artist and guest curator Ad de Jong. The upper room of the museum transforms into one open space with over 50 contemporary sculptures by Dutch artists on a specially inlaid loam floor and with a soundscape.
Participating artists: Maria Roosen, Hilke Walraven, Corrie Zomer, HW Werther, Annegret Kellner, Yair Callender, Kristine Hymoller, Hester Oerlemans, Henk Visch, Sachi Miyachi, Theophile Blandet, Lisa Sebestikova, Saar Scheerlings, Maya Berkhof, Maaike Kramer, WONNE, Job Koelewijn, Elena Agiolo, Diana Scherer, Jonas Ohlsson, Izaak Zwartjes, Arjanne van der Spek, Esther de Graaf, Femmy Otten, Hans van den Ban, Gijs van Poecke, Klaartje van Essen, Laura Canha Malpique, Mikey Yang, Simon Wald-Lasowski, Rens Spanjaard, Ad de Jong, Jordan Herregraven, Femke Dekker, Maartje Korstanje, Afra Eisma, Yiu Ellen and Suzanne Plomp.
19 October - 24 November 2024
ACEC | Roggestraat 44 Apeldoorn
A duo exhibition by German artists Sibylle Eimermacher and Annegret Kellner. After their master's studies in the Netherlands, they each took different artistic paths, but now they're working together on a project where concepts and forms of organic and inorganic matter coincide, where plants turn into phantoms, and where stones start to sing.
Blank Blinking
DE RUIT, Rotterdam | Gedempte Zalmhaven 761 Rotterdam
o4 october 2024 - 17 November 2024
15 November De Avond Met …
DE RUIT is an experimental exhibition space, generously provided by historian Guus Vreeburg and Willem Besselink, as a shared part of their home in Rotterdam. For the duration of the exhibition, the works are 24/7 on view, while day light, interior light and reflection in the window interact with the fine details of the delicate surface of the silicone casts of tropical plant leaves.
I am especially grateful for the comprehensive review written in 1200 words by Guus, which you can read in DUTCH on the website.
Museum Eicas | Deventer
European Institute for Contemporary Art & Science
7 September 2025 - 4 January 2026
Duo with Sibylle Eimermacher
<< Earlier
DnA Gallera, Schonebergerweg 32a Rotterdam | 25 May - 28 July 2024
Specially made on the invitation of DnA Gallera, a new Picture Pigment Series.
This new work is based on the stil-life painting of the old master Johannes Christianus Roedig. The inspirational masterpiece will be on display alongside 12 unique works by other invited artists.
artists: Sara van Vliet, Jeroen Allart, Daan den Houter, Gerben Mulder, Marie Pop, Jorn van Leeuwen, Rien Jansen, Wouter van Riessen, Eva Krause, Frank Bruggeman, Driessens & van den Baar, V&B (Alex Jacobs and Ellemieke Schoenmaker), Annegret Kellner.
The Picture Pigment JCR premier was at Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam.
photo: Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk
model arthandler: Berndnaut Smilde
Pakhuis Wilhelmina | Veemkade | Amsterdam
Friday 14 June 2024
inaugration of our brand new studio
with Annegien van Doorn Photography & Annegret Kellner
>> Stock Sale during this one-off event <<
14 & 15 September 2024
Veemkade 572 Amsterdam
inhouse exhibition at Losdok
If you want to immerse yourself even more then note the Pakhuis Wilhelmina Biennial in your diary.
Most of the 96 studios will be open for one weekend in September. This unique culture building is home to a wide variety of cultural professionals, including visual and conceptual artists, and mixed media artists are broadly represented, as are musicians, writers, interior designers, architects, and both graphic and web designers.
15 - 17 September 2023
Square 28 Heining 3 Amsterdam
group show
FORM Gallery, Claremont, Western Australia in partnership with The Farm Margaret River
26 MAY - 16 JULY 2023
This group show explores nature's ultimate revenge in response to the urgent ecological crisis facing Western Australia's South West region and is on display at FORM Gallery from 26th May til 16th July.
The exhibition title is a quote from iconic
revenge tragedy Medea, by first century
playwright Seneca the Younger. Storm the
Gods & Shake the Universe is a dramatic story of retribution, chaos and tragedy -
and in the end, the planet prevails. Featuring captivating new work by The Farm's international
artists-in-residence Berndnaut Smilde and Annegret Kellner
And South West-based artists Kate Alida Mullen, Corey Khan
Perth-based sculptor Susan Flavell who collaborated with
composer Moses Kington-Walberg, dramaturge Sian Murphy
and local musicians and performers.
curated by Andrew Nicholls
Artist Residency
THE FARM Margaret River
Western Australia
MAY 2023
Annegret Kellner was one of the invited artists in residency at The Farm, to explore and respond to the natural and cultural surroundings of Margaret River Region during a 3 week period this year. She developed several concepts that reflect international trade and historical bonds with local flora, the resilience and strength of local species as well as our conditioned perception of authority.
Concluding to the residency, three of those concepts became part of the group show STORM THE GODS & SHAKE THE UNIVERSE at FORM Gallery, Claremont, Perth, WA.
solo exhibition at Campis:
Plants like phantoms - solo exhibition ANAESTHESIA
What would happen to a plant when you put it under narcose? How could an anaesthetist monitor the well-being of this 'anaesthetised' plant?
In the new exhibition ANAESTHESIA at CAMPIS, Annegret Kellner gives comatose-like plants a leading role.
With this she examines the condition of temporal insensitivity that arises when consciousness is turned off.
The white silicone leaves have recognisable shapes but are mere matter without soul nor aura, like pale, spotless phantom plants.
The sculptures and installations thus express an implicit hope for painless healing.
ANAESTHESIA, for a while, offers an experience of no accountability and sadness about our disastrous behaviour.
Cultural council Bert Jan ten Oever will open ANAESTHESIA on Sunday 15 January at 12:00.
Plants like phantoms - solo exhibition ANAESTHESIA
longing for painless healing
26.2. artist talk with art historia Lara den Hartog Jager (video Harry Cock)
12.3. finissage + guest speaker Norbert Peeters, botanical philosopher, Leiden University
read review in De Groene Amsterdammer on the exhibition here
Residency in Germany August 22
exhibition on 2nd - 4th September 22
This August I will be part of the übercool collective IPIHAN. Together with 10 other artists and a historian, we will be working at an abandoned park in Dresden Neustadt. The residency will be completed with an exhibition om site.
=>There is a chance for you to be part of it by funding the upcoming edition here: =>. (Thank youuuuu!)
Read a review in the Volkskrant here
31 March - 3 April 2022
Loods6 Amsterdam - exclusive collectors artfair
For the second time, I participated with a dozen new works at this shared network fair,
initiated by a small and very devoted team, artist Anook Cleonne and Maarten Scheffer.
Within 4 days most of my works found a new collector!
It was also a pleasure for the second time to work along side with Ellert Hajtema as curators.
<< Click to see a short video review <<
16.9.- 23.9.2021
Semiramis Sway
De Aanschouw
Witte De With Straat 80 Rotterdam
Curator: Anne Kolbe
Planten zijn vaak schietschijf in Kellners installaties. Geplet, geschud, verstikt of in beton gegoten... voor zo’n gekruisigd exemplaar zou je het liefst in de bres springen. Toch zijn het slechts uitvergrotingen van gangbare praktijken in een afwijkende context die de grenzen oprekken van wat wij doorgaans nog vrij toelaatbaar vinden, totdat het ineens je kamerplant betreft die ‘geen kant op kan’. Benieuwd naar wat zij gaat laten zien? Hoewel de vitrine niet tot martelkamer omgetoverd wordt, ga je misschien evengoed anders naar je groene huisgenoot kijken.
Art Rotterdam in Summer?
Regularly in February, the 2021 edition was safely stored until now.
Visit the largest fair in NL from 1 - 4 July
Find my work @ We Like Art
newsletter on current developments
In this issue: curating the largest exhibition in the north - Minerva Art Academy Graduation Fine Arts
followed by a short insight in the Art Compass, including typo’s but also reviews and updates on ongoing exhibition.
Feel free to sign up for non-frequently send news in your inbox.
Review Spatical Thought on Traces of Huma Presence
Spatial thoughts on traces of human presence @ Omstand, Arnhem
2/04/21 - 29/05/21
Ricardo van Eyk, Yair Callender, Vanessa Henn, Sander Breure & Witte van Hulzen, Jeroen Jongeleen, Evita Vasiljeva, Laura Kaminskaitė, Annegret Kellner
Artist Support Pledge @De BALIE Amsterdam
12/12/20 …quarantained and now open up again until 27/06/21
Welcome to the virtual edition of CAMPO Artfest 2020! Since 2017 and the launch of CAMPO, our annual festival, CAMPO Artfest has brought countless international creatives to Uruguay to infuse our tiny Pueblo Garzon with site-specific installations and performance. This strange year called for something unique. So, we decided to open our fourth annual festival to the world and build a global creative community online.
>> click to go to my work Terra Nullius, a photo project for Campo’s ARTFEST 2020
>> VOUCH #2 <<
*postponed* April 2022 Loods6 Amsterdam
exclusive event on invitation only - wanna feel lucky as well?
>> Arnhemse UITNACHT 3rd Edition <<
>> OFF GRID << 1o/o1/2o2o - o1/o2/2o2o
Wim Bosch, Gerbrand Burger, Annegret Kellner @ DAPIRAN art space - Amsterdam
Monitoren, smartphones, interfaces, pixels, maar ook: plattegronden, een archief en het periodiek systeem van de chemische elementen. Zomaar een greep uit een veelheid van systemen die onze geest nodig heeft om grip te krijgen op de complexiteit van de wereld waarin we leven. Het raster als ordeningsmiddel staat hierin centraal.
Wim Bosch, Gerbrand Burger en Annegret Kellner hebben een gedeelde interesse voor onze leefomgeving: architectuur, bouwmaterialen, planten en tuinen. Wat hen daarnaast verbindt is het gebruik van het raster, niet het raster als monolithisch systeem, maar elk op verschillende wijze juist zoekend naar het kantelpunt waar ordening en meetbaarheid oplossen in chaos.
Op 10 januari 2020 opent bij Dapiran Art Project Space de tentoonstelling Off Grid. We zijn trots het werk van Annegret Kellner, Wim Bosch en Gerbrand Burger gezamenlijk in de galerie te presenteren.
artist portrait
by Juliette Blat for Campo 2019 artist residency in Uruguay
Bcademie coaches recent graduates from art academies over the course of a year. Tutors and a vast variaty of guest lecturers guide the young artists on their way in the artworld to close the gap between the graduation and the practice of an autonomous visual artist. To celebrate this years talents, both tutors and students show their work along side at Garage Rotterdam.
Dates: 11th July - 14th of July >> noon
Garage Rotterdam Goudsewagenstraat 27 3011 RH Rotterdam
May Issue 05/2019
interview by Fee van 't Veen | ism Roos Stalpers
… De van oorsprong Duitse Annegret studeerde in Groningen en woont in Amsterdam. Daar werkt ze momenteel aan Picture Pigment, een serie foto’s gebaseerd op gedigitaliseerde schilderijen van Hollandse meesters.
Haar bronmateriaal vindt ze in archieven, veilinghuizen en het Rijksmuseum. ..
exclusive collectors event
a temporary exhibition in a house for sale and on Funda, an online platform offering real estates
14.4. - 5.5. 2019 curated by Anne van As & CA Wertheim