
Terra Nullius


>> a project developed upon invitation by ARTFEST 2020 Campo Foundation Garzon Uruguay, reflecting on borders that divide the one but (unintentionally) helping to unite the other.<<

The borders that distinguish one from the other are sometimes so hard to break or overcome, and other times hardly noticeable and perhaps too easily crossable. While thinking of respected opposites and contrasts, of what’s yours or mine, I soon remembered the unintended possibilities of the space in between. During the division of my nation – the iron curtain of former East and West Germany – both parts kept distance from the inner border; on the east side with lethal intentions preventing crossing. This keeping-away led to the so-called Green Band, in which endangered flora and fauna could reoccupy the grounds of this no-man’s land. I am glad this strip wasn’t overlooked after the reunion, and that it now connects to a larger network of protected areas reaching from Finland to the Black Sea. The grass is maybe greener in between.

visit CAMPO ARTFEST 2020 for talks and works by 25 other related artists.